Global Obesity Patient Alliance
Igniting and Inspiring Global Change for People with Obesity.
As a unified voice, GOPA is proud to join together obesity patient organizations from around the world to create change in obesity on a global level.

About us
Why the Global Obesity Patient Alliance Exists
The impact of obesity spans the entire globe, yet our voices aren’t yet heard loud enough for all to hear. Here are the important facts: Obesity is a Chronic Disease; Weight Bias/Stigma still exists and needs to end, and Negative Perceptions of people with obesity must change.
Patient Groups Uniting to Take Action around the Globe!
GOPA and its member organizations are proud to unite to Take Action on World Obesity Day - March 4, 2022. Learn more about how you can join with the Alliance to take real action and support people living with obesity.

Covid-19 and Patients with Obesity
Our members urge more research in the connection between Covid-19 and obesity. With more than 650 million individuals with obesity worldwide, It’s Time to create a better understanding of obesity as a complex, chronic disease.

GOPA Member Organizations