How YOU Can Help! Join Us in Taking these Actions on #WorldObesityDay
EveryBody Needs to Act! This World Obesity Day, join GOPA and its member organizations as we unite to take REAL ACTION around obesity. Here are simple actions you can take to help!
Action 1: Challenge Weight Bias when you see it.
It’s important that when you see weight bias happening that you speak-up. Use science and facts to support your stance that weight bias is wrong and must end.
Action 2: Contact local media and direct them to organization image galleries.
Encourage the use of appropriate imagery when talking about obesity by working with media outlets to ensure they know about image galleries that appropriately depict people living with obesity. You can direct media to worldobesity.org/resources/image-bank/other-image-banks to access all the image galleries from around the world.
Action 3: Bring-up the conversation of weight with your healthcare provider.
Remember – weight matters because of health, so get empowered to bring-up the conversation of weight with your provider. Many patient organizations have helpful tools to help with this conversation, so be sure you reach out to get access to these helpful resources.
Action 4: Demand access to obesity care within your healthcare system.
Be sure that obesity care is part of the conversation when it comes to accessing healthcare in your region. Whether it’s lobbying your insurance provider, government or other institutions, obesity care should be part of every individual’s healthcare plan.
Action 5: Distribute educational resources on obesity in your community.
Education is one of our best tools to influence change and help individuals understand the complexity of obesity. Connect with a patient organization in your region to access free resources to distribute in your local communities.
Action 6: Share your personal story of living with obesity with others.
Personal stories are central to how we change the narrative of obesity. Take opportunities to share your lived experiences with others to shift perceptions.
Action 7: Challenge inaccurate comments and representations of obesity on social media and other news outlets.
Feel compelled to stand-up to false and demeaning comments you see on social media and other outlets. Use science and facts to support your arguments while providing helpful links to get individuals educated.
Action 8: Call-out and challenge discriminatory policies targeting people with obesity.
When you see bias and blatant discrimination, call it out. We must all raise our voices when we see injustices or inconsistencies taking place that target individuals living with obesity.
Action 9: Make connections with your elected/appointed officials to encourage making obesity a priority in policy work.
Let your voice be heard within your government. Oftentimes it can be as easy as signing-on to a letter, or talking directly with your elected or appointed officials. Connect with a patient group in your region to get involved in their advocacy activities.
Action 10: Be proud to support the cause of obesity.
Simply feeling empowered to openly support and advocate for the cause of obesity is key. By joining together with others, our voices will be louder!
Everybody Can Take Action to Drive Change in Obesity! Getting connected with a peer group/support group in your region is key, and you can also learn how to start a patient group! If you are interested in getting more connected or starting your own organization, please click here.
Get Connected with a Group in Your Region, or Learn How to Start a Patient Organization
All individuals are invited to join our effort and get connected with a peer/support group in your region. Just complete our form using the link below to share your contact information with us, and we will put you in touch with the closest patient organization in your region. If there isn’t a group in your area, GOPA can help you get started! Fill-out the form and a representative will be in touch!
Click here to find a patient organization near you
Be sure to also connect with GOPA on Twitter (@GOPAObesity), and retweet/share our images and messages, along with the messages of all our member organizations.
Take Part in Events and Activities from GOPA’s Member Organizations in Recognition of #WorldObesityDay
GOPA Member organizations work together to impact change on a global level. As part of this effort, our members support one another by encouraging participation in events and activities that better connect individuals. Get connected to the great work of GOPA’s member organizations by taking part in their upcoming events. Here’s a look at what’s coming-up:
Supporting GOPA Member Organizations:
A great way to give back to a patient group in your region is to show your support through a donation, or by joining as a member. Here are direct links to where you can support a patient group through charitable giving and/or membership:
- Obesidades – Mexico
- Obesity Canada – Canada
- Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) – United States
- OCEANS – United States
- Adipositasforeningen – Denmark
- Adipositaschirurgie Selbsthilfe Deutschland e. V. – Germany
- European Coalition for People Living with Obesity – Europe
- Obesity UK – United Kingdom
- Obesidade Brasil – Brazil
About GOPA:
GOPA was established in 2020 with a goal to ignite and inspire global change for people living with obesity. To learn more about GOPA and its member organizations, please explore our Web site and get connected to us. Currently the Alliance consists of six obesity patient organizations from North America and Europe who are committed to working collaboratively to impact change worldwide. To view these organizations, please click here.
Join-in Our Alliance:
GOPA invites any and all patient organizations in obesity to be part of this effort! If you are part of a patient organization and want to learn more about how your organization can be part of GOPA, please contact [email protected] for more information. If you are a passionate patient advocate for obesity and do not have an organization yet in your home country/region, we invite you to reach out to us ([email protected]) to learn more about how you can get started. Our goal is to have representation of patients in all parts of the world, so we invite interested groups and individuals to connect with us to learn more!